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Dale Neal

                                                                      I love a book where I just lose myself in the characters and the story. Dale Neal's latest novel, Kings of Coweetsee, certainly fits the bill. You'll get to meet Birdie, Shawanda, Roy and a host of other very interesting people, and oh, the secrets you will find out about them. One of my favorite lines from the book, "You live any time on this earth, and you know moments come that you don't get back, cracks in the flow of your days, like time shudders to a halt and then lurches forward into the future. Moments that make you the man you will become." "Kings of Coweetsee is a tale of power and intrigue with an ache at its heart as old as love itself. Dale Neal writes with the penetrating vision of an archaeologist unearthing the dark ironies of a thorny past. He’s a born story-teller — his prose is graceful and his eye is keen." Kathryn Schwille, author of  What Luck, This Life "S

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