Katherine Scott Crawford
You all know how much I love the concept of time travel, hell, I ask all my authors to answer a time travel question at the end of every interview! I honestly did not know Katie Crawford's book included traveling back in time until I started to read it. Well, obviously I was hooked, and not just because her story includes time travel, it's because she's just such a great writer! Her details put the reader exactly where the scene is taking place. The reader feels what it is like to live in Charleston, South Carolina and not just today, but in 1804. I absolutely loved this book. I also don't think I have ever read love-making scenes so beautifully described (plus they are also really hot!). A quote from the book: "There had to be some reason, and time travel, operated as such. Why history seemed so fickle----why it kept the solid things at arm's length. Was this because time, and therefore history, needed mystery to function? Perhaps I'd never do or learn w...