Decatur Book Festival, 2012

The Decatur Book Festival is the largest independent book festival in the country. Throughout the year they sponsor book-centered events in the Atlanta area, bringing terrific authors like Salman Rushdie, John Lewis, Alice Walker, Roy Blount Jr., and Paula Deen to Decatur for readings and signings. And every Labor Day weekend, they put on a fantastic multi-day celebration, with readings, signings, entertainment, and yes, LOTS of great books for sale. Set in the very walk-able city of Decatur, with terrific restaurants in abundance, it is always satisfying on so many levels.

Here is a sampling of photos I took at this year's
 on September 1st.

 I particularly love the expressions I caught on these four young book lovers.

The downtown courthouse.

I bumped into Man Martin, author of  Paradise Dogs and Days of the Endless Corvette at one of the events.


The Atlanta History Center was there with Rhett and Scarlett. 

One of the book-inspired tapestries on display near the courthouse.

Decatur is a beautiful city with a robust downtown. The downtown square, where most of the festival is held, has  wonderful public art, and is home to the Little Shop of Stories, one of the best children's bookstores in the country.

I found author Patti Callahan Henry trying to remain incognito. 

By 11:00 the street fair was already rolling.

The Jane Austen Society was there in all their finery.

And lastly, one of my favorite sculptures in downtown

and a picture of the Square on a summer evening.

Next post will be a report from the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance (SIBA) convention in Naples FL.

Are you a book festival fan? Which do you think are the best?


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